Al placer y la lectura... la imaginacion la pones tu. To the pleasure and the reading... the imagination puts it your. (Nota: Busco dibujantes para convetir a dibujos o comics mis relatos, sin animo de lucro.) (Notice: I look for designers for convert to drawings, 3D or comics my stories, for free distribution) Visita, Actualización de relatos y videos cada dos días, aproximadamente. Upload, stories and videos, every two days aproxymately

viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

Summer Sex Week 2011 (III)

Cuando bajan a la playa el segundo día, John y Marie Ann vuelven a encontrarse con Malcolm, pero éste esta acompañado de un amigo, Markret, con el que ha venido de vacaciones, por ello John considera que hoy su mujer estará bien atendida y decide volver al hotel.

When they go down to the beach the second day, John and Marie Ann they meet with Malcolm again, but this this accompanied by a friend, Markret, with which has come from vacations, for it John considers that today his wife will be well assisted and she decides to return to the hotel.

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