Al placer y la lectura... la imaginacion la pones tu. To the pleasure and the reading... the imagination puts it your. (Nota: Busco dibujantes para convetir a dibujos o comics mis relatos, sin animo de lucro.) (Notice: I look for designers for convert to drawings, 3D or comics my stories, for free distribution) Visita, Actualización de relatos y videos cada dos días, aproximadamente. Upload, stories and videos, every two days aproxymately

sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

Memorias de una esposa infiel (Dreams) 1977, Takashi

De Takashi me enamoré, mi marido nunca lo supo. Tenía algo, era rudo y fuerte, pero sensible y tierno, cuando el quería disfrutar te anulaba, pero te sentías feliz haciéndole gozar. Entonces no pensaba que algún día pudiera hacerme suya, tal vez si no hubiera estado Juan, me hubiera entregado a él.

Ha habido varios hombres en mi vida que me han hecho sentir así, Takashi el primero, a los demás ya los conoceréis.

Of Takashi I fell in love, my husband never knew it. He had something, it was rude and strong, but sensitive and tender, when the one wanted to enjoy he it annulled, but you felt happy making him enjoy. Then I didn't think that someday could make me his, perhaps if Juan had not been, I had surrendered to him.

There have been several men in my life that they have made me feel this way, Takashi the first one; to the other ones you will already know them.

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